Timber Harvest Sale Raises More Than $8,000 for Gillette

Last fall, Minnesota Power and Log A Load for Kids Foundation gathered timber industry professionals to the Boulder Lake Management Area in Duluth, MN for a harvest sale to raise money for Gillette. Minnesota Power donated the stumpage while Hull Forest Products and McCabe Forest Products volunteered staff and equipment to harvest and transfer the stumpage. Additional timber industry professionals from SAPPI, Potlatch and the University of Minnesota Duluth taught sustainable forest management to one hundred ninety fourth grade students from three local schools attending the event. One of those students was Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare’s 2014 Champion, Michael Ruud.

Minnesota’s Log A Load for Kids Vice Chair and Minnesota Power Renewable Fuels Coordinator, Matt Radzak, along with Becky Holst, Minnesota’s Log A Load for Kids Secretary and representative from Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare, were pleased to have Gillette’s 2014 Champion, Michael Ruud, his mother Paty, and father Mike Ruud join the harvest event with Michael’s fourth grade class.

Students learned about tree identification, tree core sampling to learn the age of a tree, the story tree rings tell about weather history, wildlife and tree growth benefits from logged areas, timber management, harvesting equipment, and end user products from aspen and maple derived dissolving pulp.

John Geissler, with the University of Minnesota Duluth, shows Michael and his classmates how a tree core sample tells the age of a tree.

These kids enjoyed their time in the woods and learning that harvesting trees can be a good thing. And who knew that dissolving pulp, a tree derived substance produced at SAPPI Fine Paper, can be found in yogurt, makeup, and toothpaste?

Thanks to the Log A Load for Kids collaborative effort of all of the above named participants, $8,300 was raised for Gillette Children’s Specialty Healthcare.

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