The American Loggers Council raises amazing funds at the September meeting!

We have exciting news to share!  The American Loggers Council (ALC) met in September and selected Children’s Hospital of Alabama to be the beneficiary of their auction event. The two main items that were auctioned off: a Keith Urban guitar, and a Stihl Chainsaw. The guitar sold for an amazing $3,750 and the chainsaw (which was sold once then donated back to be sold again) went for $5,400. In addition to the guitar and chainsaw, cash donations were given as members of the ALC came in/out of the event. I’m thrilled to inform you that a grand total of $10,200 was raised for your hospital!!! It was a great event and probably the most successful one we’ve been a part of through the ALC.


1 Comment

  1. Ben Sutcliffe on January 6, 2023 at 6:23 pm

    I am a logging contractor in Northern California. My son is having heat surgeries at uc Davis now. What a great program. Thank you so much for this. Any and all help is appreciated greatly. I will be joining this program and will donate back when I am able to. Us loggers help save the day again. Amazing, thank you.

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