Happy 35th Anniversary, Log A Load For Kids!
We would like to thank all of our state Log A Load For Kids sponsors and vendors and all of our dedicated volunteers for a GREAT 2022 fundraising year. Total raised in 2022 from 30 states supporting over 70 Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals (CMNH) was over $3.6 million dollars. We are very thrilled with the donation totals and are looking forward to another successful fundraising year.
Your donations are greatly needed and appreciated! Each of the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, are all nonprofit hospitals, relies on partners like Log A Load For Kids Foundation to keep the doors open to be able to create miracles for sick and injured kids in our communities. By donating or helping with fundraisers you are helping your own neighbors, family members, and friends of your communities.
This past year the American Loggers Council voted to be the national sponsor for Log A Load For Kids. We are so thrilled to be part of the American Loggers Council family. Thank you to Scott Dane, Executive Director and the Board of Director’s of American Loggers Council for all of your support for all the Log A Load For Kids programs in over 30 states, we look forward to growing the Log A Load For Kids in each state to fund our local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals for sick and injured children.
We would like to have all of the states email to us your State chapters and contact information for each chapter/group in your state. We would love to have everyone send their events that will be coming up, so we can add to the LAL calendar and would also like pictures of your events.
Email to: nationallogaloadforkids@gmail.com OR anash@cmnhospitals.org
The upcoming Children’s Hospitals Week is coming up April 4-7, 2023, at Marriott World Center in Orlando Florida. This is a great week to come and experience what CMNH has done and continues to do to help Hospitals and Corporate Partners to raise funds. You will also get to hear and meet some of the families that have been helped by a CMNH. This experience is heartwarming and worthy of your time. A few of our Board members will be in attendance and look forward to seeing you there.
The American Loggers Council will be holding their annual meeting October 3-7, 2023, in Newry, Maine at the Sunday River Ski Resort. American Loggers Council will be hosting an evening with dinner and fundraising auction for Log A Load For Kids which will benefit a local Maine CMNH Hospital.
We look forward to hearing from all of you and wish all of you a very successful fundraising 2023.
President/Director: Sherri Hansen — Washington State
Vice President: Niki Stenner —South Carolina
Secretary: Lisa Medici — California
Treasurer: Melinda Fraley— Washington State
Board Member: Rich Palermo — Virginia
CMNH Partner Representative: Andrew Nash — anash@cmnhospitals.org
How can I make donation in memory of Marvin “Bud” Hoover, my uncle who recently passed away?
Hello, Evelyn. Please accept our deepest sympathies for your loss. Thank you for considering a gift to Log A Load to honor your uncle’s memory. You can make a gift using the ‘donate’ button at the top of our website or by mailing a payment to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals at the address below. Mail should include a note to indicate the purpose of the gift and to designate which hospital you wish to support.
CMN Hospitals
Attn: Accounting
205 W 700 S
Salt Lake City, UT 84101