Arkansas Log A Load For Kids Celebrates 25 Years

For the last 25 years, Arkansas timber harvesters, foresters,
affiliates and members of communities in which timber and
forests are central to lives and livelihoods, have made a significant
impact on the health and lives of children treated at Arkansas
Children’s Hospital (ACH). This year marks the 25th anniversary of
Arkansas’ Log A Load For Kids program, administered by the
Arkansas Forestry Association in cooperation with the Arkansas
Timber Producers Association. The program anniversary will be
celebrated on April 21st at the Clinton Center in Little Rock and at
fundraising events planned around the state. So much has been
accomplished by the program, not only in the support it has provided
to sustaining and even improving care programs and services at ACH,
but also the ways in which Log A Load for Kids has brought
communities together in recognition of their commonality: that forests
might be one of our state’s most critical sustainable resources, but
without a doubt, Arkansas’ children are our most precious resource!


Read more here.

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