A Word from National Log A Load Foundation Chair, Spring 2012
Well, in spite of everything stand-in groundhog Puxatawney Pete had to say about it, the Eastern U.S. has just come out of a mild winter, and I hope improved conditions for homebuilding–and logging–continue to line up, here and across the nation, supporting a sustained recovery in all parts of our economy.
Here in Charlottesville, Virginia, we’ve broken ground, and the new University of Children’s Hospital, known as the Battle Building, has begun to rise–in part, due to help from our local Log A Load For Kids contributions over the past years. Virginia Log A Load For Kids recently pledged to sponsor and build a chemotherapy infusion bay–a cheerful space filled with light and color–where kids can feel comfortable and safe while receiving this necessary, and not-so-kind, treatment to save their lives.
Kids like Hannah.
Children with cancer face a long and difficult recovery. For Hannah, her cancer treatment lasted two and a half years–typical for children with leukemia. During that time, Hannah, who had just turned nine, underwent frequent chemotherapy infusions and spinal sedations, sometimes several times a week. It was hard to keep her spirits up. Now, three years later, she is “learning gymnastics and enjoying life, family and friends to the fullest,” her Mom writes.
Hannah had a positive outlook, positive thinking, and a lot of support from her family and friends to get her through the most difficult time in her young life. Having these attitudes helped Hannah recover her health and wellbeing…Not only will she live longer and healtheir, but she’ll have better chances for ultimate success in her life. Hannah’s optimism and affirmations are an example to all of us.
Please continue to do what we all do best in encouraging others to support their Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals through the ongoing suport of our Log A Load For Kids efforts. The innovation of this fantastic group of volunteers and “partners in inspiration” is what gives these children, like Hannah, the opportunity for a healthy, happy and long life.
May your spring flowers sprout, may your trees bloom full, and may you have success in fundraising to help make miracles for our precious resource–our children!