The National Log A Load For Kids Campaign has selected Missouri’s Shannon Jarvis as the 2011 Log A Load For Kids Volunteer Champion.

Shannon Jarvis literally launched MIssouri’s Log A Load For Kids program by himself in 2009.   His love for children’s hospitals began with the birth of his triplets, who were born prematurely and needed the services of the CMN Hospital in St. Louis.   As a professional logger, he learned about Log A Load during a meeting of the American Loggers Council.  Then Shannon singlehandedly convinced the Missouri Forest Products Associatin (MFPA) Board of Directors to support Children’s Miracle Network (CMN) Hospitals from Log A Load.

In 2010, with the support of MFPA and the Missouri Logging Council (MLC), Missouri’s Log A Load campaign raised $10,000 in its first year.   Since then, Shannon has pioneered some unique fundraiisng events for 2011 and challenged the MLC to double its efforts and raise $20,000!   Shannon is confident that they will reach that amount, as they are already close to $18,000 raised, of which he drummed up over $8,000 of the total himself.

Shannon promotes Log A Load every opportunity he has.   As Missouri Logging Council chair, he is helping to expand logger participation by helping to establish local logger chapters.   By organizing these local groups, he hopes to increase the level of ownership and participation by Missouri’s logging professionals.

As the first certified Master Logger in Missouri, Shannon commands respect throught the entire forest products industry.   He is able to motivate others to follow his lead and make generous donations, due to his easygoing style and persistent persuasion.   He’s a hard man to say not to.

Missouri’s Log A Load For Kids Program is run totally by volunteers, with MFPA and MLC providing organizational structure– led by a large man and a large heart, Shannon Jarvis.

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