A Word from Log A Load Foundation Chair, Rich Palermo, Winter 2013
A Word from National Log A Load® Foundation Chair, Rich Palermo
“Celebrating 25 Years!”
As we move toward our 25th year of Log A Load For Kids’ existence, due to the creative efforts of a group of far-sighted individuals in South Carolina, I have to celebrate one very important individual who played a key role in our great success. During the decades through which FRA has served as Log A Load’s national sponsor, Linda Gibson, as FRA’s staff liaison, left a strong mark. Please join me in wishing Linda every success in her future endeavors and in thanking her for helping to grow Log A Load’s cumulative donations to children’s hospitals to over $34 million during her years with FRA.
Now we move forward, with former FRA President Richard Lewis stepping up as our liaison. Richard is a long-time Log A Load supporter over the decades, and he will continue to further our efforts and successes in supporting the kids at all 85 CMN hospitals nationwide.
At our National Log A Load Advisory Group meeting this past September, we decided that the best and most effective way to celebrate our 25th Anniversary would be for each state program to make a point of highlighting the 25-year mark at our normal state events and fundraisers. There are plans to create a special commemorative logo. We are also working on a project to develop wooden log trucks with the Log A Load logo in clear plastic display boxes, with a contribution slot on the top of the box. State Log A Load campaign folks will take the display boxes to local fundraising events and encourage contributors to “Bury the Log Truck” with cash.
National celebrities, such as Bobby Goodson, of Swamp Logger fame, and Chuck Leavell, musician, tree farmer, and author, have both agreed to appear in Public Service Announcements for us, along with other forestry heroes, to be identified.
That’s 25 years behind us. Logging and forestry people everywhere are committing ourselves for the growth and miracles of the next 25.
Rich Palermo
Log A Load For Kids Foundation