Minnesota: Timber Harvest Raises Funds

Minnesota: Timber Harvest Raises Funds


Last October, UPM Blandin conducted a tree thinning operation on approximately 8.2 acres of

UPM forest land, yielding five truckloads of wood, valued at $6,270, that Blandin donated to

Minnesota Log A Load For Kids to benefit the Minnesota Children’s Miracle Network hospital.

Local logger Scott Pittack and his loader

operator Jason Gilhousen volunteered to log,

while Mike Rieger, Duane Hill, and Mike

Warren hauled the wood to the UPM and

Potlatch mills.

During the harvest, UPM Blandin also hosted a

“Spruce Management Field Day,” through Julie

Miedtke with the University of MN Extension

Office. State, county, and federal foresters

viewed the harvesting process in the morning,

while private landowners and students from

Grand Rapids High School and Itasca High

School attended in the afternoon. (Photo shows

private landowners getting acquainted with a processor head.)

Cheryl Adams, UPM Blandin Forest Ecologist called it “truly a team effort . . . we are very

happy to continue to support Log A Load For Kids and the Children’s Miracle Network


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